These mobile vacuums are portable and offer a power range of 1.5 kW and capacities of 25 liters, making them suitable for sucking important quantities of product from process machines. They can also be used at the end of the work shift for general cleaning of the working area. This model is also designed to work in the ATEX zones 2-22, and it can be equipped with a full range of options that are easy to install, making it particularly suitable for use in the pharmaceutical industry. Moreover, this model is available in X2 version (container and filter chamber in stainless steel) and X3 version (completely in stainless steel).
Sectors Of Application
Side channel turbine with asynchronous three-phase engine in ATEX EX II 3D version, EX II 3GD housed inside a hull
Antistatic polyester star filter “L” class
25 lt container with handles, removable with the practical release system